If you’re looking for the 2011 Hobby caravan owner’s manual and handbook then look no further.
We have an original PDF copy available for digital download.
Inside the manual you’ll find full and detailed user operating instructions including pictures and step by step guidance on a variety of procedures.
The manual is in English and consists of 147 pages.
Models covered in this handbook are as follows:
- 350 TB De Luxe
- 380 TB De Luxe
- 400 SF De Luxe
- 400 SFe De Luxe
- 420 KB De Luxe
- 440 SF De Luxe
- 460 UFe De Luxe
- 490 UL De Luxe
- 490 KMF De Luxe
- 540 UL De Luxe
- 540 KMFe De Luxe
- 545 KMF De Luxe
- 560 KMFe De Luxe
- 650 KMFe De Luxe
- 410 SFe Excellent
- 440 SFr Excellent
- 455 UF Excellent
- 460 UFe Excellent
- 460 LU Excellent
- 490 SFf Excellent
- 490 KMF Excellent
- 495 UL Excellent
- 495 UFe Excellent
- 540 WLU Excellent
- 540 UFe Excellent
- 545 KMF Excellent
- 560 UL Excellent
- 560 UFf Excellent
- 560 WLU Excellent
- 560 CFe Excellent
- 400 SF La Vita Bionda
- 400 SF La Vita Veneto
- 460 UFe La Vita Bionda
- 460 UFe La Vita Veneto
- 495 UL La Vita Bionda
- 495 UL La Vita Veneto
- 545 KMF La Vita Bionda
- 545 KMF La Vita Veneto
- 645 VIP La Vita Bionda
- 695 VIP La Vita Bionda
- 495 UFe Prestige
- 540 UL Prestige
- 540 WLU Prestige
- 540 UFe Prestige
- 560 UL Prestige
- 560 WLU Prestige
- 610 UL Prestige
- 640 FMU Prestige
- 650 KFU Prestige
- 650 WFU Prestige
- 650 UMFe Prestige
- 650 KMFe Prestige
- 720 UML Prestige
- 720 UKFe Prestige
- 780 WLU Prestige
- 780 WFU Prestige
Use the link below to download a copy of the handbook for the Hobby touring caravans for the year 2011.
Click here to download the owner’s manual
Note that this document is printable once downloaded.