The 2009 Hobby caravan owner’s manual and handbook is instantly available for download from the Archive.
Inside you will also find full operating instructions in the form of a user guide including pictures and step by step procedures.
This manual is in English and contains 131 pages.
Models covered in this document are as follows:
- 400 SF De Luxe
- 400 KB De Luxe
- 440 SF De Luxe
- 455 UF De Luxe
- 460 UFe De Luxe
- 460 LU De Luxe
- 495 UL De Luxe
- 495 UK De Luxe
- 500 KMFe De Luxe
- 540 UL De Luxe
- 540 UK De Luxe
- 540 KMFe De Luxe
- 560 KMFe De Luxe
- 400 SF Excellent
- 410 SFe Excellent
- 440 SF Excellent
- 455 UF Excellent
- 460 UFe Excellent
- 495 UL Excellent
- 495 UFe Excellent
- 500 KMFe Excellent
- 540 UL Excellent
- 540 UK Excellent
- 540 WLU Excellent
- 540 UFe Excellent
- 540 UFf Excellent
- 540 KMFe Excellent
- 560 UL Excellent
- 560 UFe Excellent
- 560 UFf Excellent
- 560 KMFe Excellent
- 560 WLU Excellent
- 455 UF La Vita
- 455 UF La Vita Bionda
- 460 UFe La Vita
- 460 UFe La Vita Bionda
- 495 UL La Vita
- 495 UL La Vita Bionda
- 560 KMFe La Vita
- 560 KMFe La Vita Bionda
- 640 SMF La Vita Bionda
- 540 UFe Excelsior
- 560 UFe Excelsior
- 610 UL Excelsior
- 650 UFf Excelsior
- 495 UFe Prestige
- 540 UL Prestige
- 540 WLU Prestige
- 540 UFe Prestige
- 560 UL Prestige
- 560 UKF Prestige
- 560 UFe Prestige
- 560 WLU Prestige
- 610 UL Prestige
- 640 FMU Prestige
- 690 SMF Prestige
- 650 KFU Prestige
- 650 WFU Prestige
- 650 UMFe Prestige
- 650 KMFe Prestige
- 720 UML Prestige
- 720 UMF Prestige
- 720 UKFe Prestige
- 720 WFU Prestige
Use the link below to download a copy of the handbook for the Hobby touring caravans for the year 2009.
Click here to download the owner’s manual
Note that this document is printable once downloaded.